Today US District Court Judge Louise G Flannigan (SP) granted The Constitution Party of North Carolina’s motion to place its candidates back on the ballot after they were removed by the vote override of Senate Bill 486.

State Chairman Al Pisano said “Today was a major victory. I hope people are finally getting fed up with the Leadership of Phil Berger and Tim Moore and them wasting tax payer dollars on needless lawsuits. It’s not right for them to change the law when they feel threatened or to change it for partisan advantage after the fact. “

Vice Chairman Kevin Hayes said “I am so glad that the Judge ruled in our favor. The Republican led general assembly is often doing things much worse than when the Democrats had control. I truly believe the people in this state are sick and tired of how things are being ran in our state, and sick and tired of the two major parties. Changing the law, to kick them off the ballot after our candidates legally filed for office is wrong and The Judge agreed. Hopefully people are tired of this type of dirty politics. “

State House Candidate Alen Poindexter said quote “Finally I can get my campaign going. Sarah Stevens should explain to the people of my district why she voted to remove me from the ballot. I look forward to the upcoming election and discussing the issues with the people of my district.”

Green County Commissioner Jerry Jones said “I am pleased with the ruling today. I look forward to another opportunity to represent all the citizens of Greene County. I believe people are ready for The Constitution Party and a party that places principles over politics.”

Craven County Commissioner Candidate Greg Holt said “Today I can officially begin my campaign for commissioner. I look forward to discussing the issues with the citizens of my district. I would have filed as a Constitution Party Candidate back in February but the Party was still petitioning. I had to make a choice and I chose to run as a Republican. I am so glad the Judge ruled in our favor. It’s time for the citizens of our state to wake up and realize that neither party is running things the way the Founders intended. It’s time for a fresh start. It’s time for The Constitution Party. “